Sunday, November 2, 2008

a minute of eternity............

It was like any other ‘normal college morning’, me waking up at 9: 27 for a 9: 30 class, turn the lap and music player off, find a pair of jeans, albeit with some difficulty, in a room the size of four medium sized cardboard boxes (six?), find my bag, maybe a book if it is my lucky day, maybe neither if it is not, ask Ronnie to hold the lift while I try putting on my shoe and paste on my brush at the same time, brush in the lift, use the ground floor toilet, all this in under 2 minutes. This leaves me with a good min to participate in the daily NUJS marathon, with all mah fellow homies who swear by noojiedom, which takes anything between a minute to twenty, depending on whose class it is (its only when I am on the ground floor that I find out what class it is, yeah on hindsight the whole drill seems a bit futile once in a while, but then better safe than sorry). True story :).

Well this day happened to require one of my faster timings. I was about half way to the finish line, when something yonder brought my sprint to a halt. Wrapped tightly in black, with a glint of gold on its bosom, sparkling against the October sun, making that curve even more prominent, it sauntered by leaving my mouth agape, and my eyes, which were yet to come to terms with what was happening around wide open. The guy who was clinging on to it turned me green. I could be there I told myself, I should be there I told myself. Then this strange sort of slumber crept in, much unlike the one I had gotten out of, a slumber of contemplation, a slumber of retrospection, a slumber of introspection (no jackass they don’t all mean the same). I thought of all those things that I had yearned for, and had subsequently gotten. Grade 1, I wanted a GIJOE toy, by grade three I had a panoply of 47, and yet somehow that one toy I ‘wanted’ meant more than all of them put together, Grade 7 I wanted a comp, wanted to play the latest version of NFS on it, grade 8 it could have been any other box with cobwebs on it, college first year the lap was much the same story. It is much the same story with almost everything else, whether my object of desire be animate or inanimate. There was a time, when I used to pass by a baroque structure, which later went on to be my university, in awe, every person coming out of this sanctum sanctorum was a source for much admiration, now the only thing it inspires is indifference , the people coming out of it, well lets not get into that. Even the people I value the most today are the ones I didn’t ‘get’ the way I initially wanted them, if you know what I mean. As the roar of that Black Enfield which had stopped me dead in my path died out into a mellifluous purr, a weird smile dawned upon my face, a smile of contentment which far overshadowed my yearning, but my jubilation was cut short, as the clamour of the bell aroused me from my slumber.

NB – 1) a noojie is a student of NUJS, to whom certain characteristics can be assigned which when looked at in its entirety can be a bit outlandish, which sets them apart from the common drab lot out there; noojiedom is the way of the noojie.

2) a general query, you didn't think i would objectify women in such a manner did you?


the boy said...

now thats a well written post...


Legal Aid Society said...
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Revolver said...

Actually, I did:)

rajashree said...

really liked this post =).
and no, i somehow didnt think it was a woman you wanted to possess- right from the beginning. lol.

The Reluctant Rebel said...

due you sound like James Blunt. For all the sentimentality, you are just a guy leching at another guys girlfriend (as you do). Cool.

Unknown said...

a good one!wen's the next one out??

Backyard Tourist said...

m sorry abt the late reply....visiting my blog page after a long time.....

@the boy - thank you
@revolver - i really thought u wud know me better ;(
@ rajashree - thank you,,,,,ur clairvoyance is commendable
@Rahul Saha - well u cudnt be more rite....i do :)

@rashmi - get your self a comic book subscription dear....

the nxt one is well finally out...:)

Unknown said...

no way...this aint true...